Little becomes much!

Mark 6:38 - "How many loaves do you have?' He asked. 'Go and see.' When they found out, they said, 'Five – and two fish.'"

Here, Jesus asked His disciples what they had available for His use, in preparation for the miracle of the feeding of the 5000. We know from other Gospel accounts that the bread and fish actually came from a young boy's lunch box.

The boy had, no doubt, been watching Jesus at work all day and had seen that Jesus could do anything! Blind people were able to see, the deaf could hear, the lame could walk and those oppressed by the enemy were free! Perhaps he had realised that to give everything to Jesus was the best thing he could do – that once Jesus was in control of what he had given, anything was possible!

What a challenge that is for us! Isn't God always asking us what we have available for His use? And what is our response? Do we keep back what we think we need first and give Him the surplus or are we willing to hand it all to Him? As we step out and do the latter, will we begin to experience the miracle-working power of God in our lives?

Are we encouraged by the faith of the young boy to put into the Lord's hands all that we have, no matter how insignificant it might seem? If so, maybe we should get ready to see God work through our obedience?


"Lord God, we know that a little becomes much when we give it to You. Please would You show us what it is that You want us to surrender to You for Your use at this time? And as we put whatever that is into Your hands, may we see Your miracle-working power being accomplished. In Jesus' name. Amen!"



