Breath of God

”Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to life.”  ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭37‬:‭9‬ ‭

We will be starting our Prayer and Fasting from Monday 13th to the 14th of May

  • Prayer Slots

    We have prayer slots available 24/7 for the duration of the fast and we would encourage you to book a slot that is convenient for you. You have the freedom to join in prayer at any time of the day. This can be done either on Zoom or privately. We would love to see every hour covered over the 5 days so please use this link to book your slot:

  • Led Prayer Meetings

    6am - Zoom

    12noon - Zoom

    7pm - In-Person at Church

    9pm - Zoom

    Please use these details given below to join the Zoom Prayer Meetings

    Meeting ID: 875 3898 7379

    Passcode: 520517

  • Prayer Themes

    Each day will follow with a theme that will help us to focus our prayers. Please click the button below to download the daily schedule along with the prayer themes.

Is it your first time fasting? Here's a guide to help you.

Why do we fast?

Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, Jesus, amongst many others in the Bible practised fasting. When Jesus taught on fasting (Matt 6: 16-18) He would say "When you fast..." encouraging us to embody fasting alongside prayer in our lifestyle. Fasting is abstaining from foods/habits for spiritual growth.

What types of fasts can I do?

There are several types of fasting. The one you choose is between you and God. He will honour your best sacrifice.

  1. Fully Fast
    Drink only liquids (recommended for only short term/no. of days)

  2. Daily Fast
    Fasting from set hours, example: 6am to 3pm. You can choose your hours and dietary changes if you wish to also exclude certain foods.

  3. The Daniel Fast
    Avoid meats and sweets (some also cut out bread). Drink water and juice, eating fruits and vegetables.

When starting your fast...

  1. Start With A Goal
    Ask yourself why you are fasting? Do you need some direction, healing, restoration in personal issues? Do you face financial difficulties? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and to narrow down your 'why'.

  2. Prepare Spiritually
    Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness, use this moment to surrender yourself fully to Jesus and ask for spiritual strength to reject worldly desires that try to distract you.

  3. Deciding Which Fast To Follow
    The choice of which fast to follow is entirely up to you, you may choose to go on a Daniel fast or a partial fast. Whatever you decide, just remember to replace the time with prayer and Bible studying.

  4. What To Expect
    Naturally, the body will go through changes as it adapts to the physical change you are undertaking - stick though this! Limit any strenuous activity and exercise in the beginning and be sure to rest. Spend time in God's presence through prayer and worship and pray as often as you can during your day. Deter from daily distractions as much as you can and keep your heart and mind set on God.

  5. At The End
    As your fast comes to a close, reflect on your days of fasting - note down how you felt or what the Holy Spirit has led you too. You may have testimony of God's goodness or you are starting a new journey! We would love to join you in this next season and celebrate with you - feel free to get in touch with us.

Video Devotions

Watch the devotions for each day.


Need help?

Please fill in the form if you have any questions and we will get back to you.